The Autumn term: a new start and time to renew your goals!
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The Autumn term: a new start and time to renew your goals!

The Autumn term: a new start and time to renew your goals!

If you are a parent of a school child, you will be preparing for a new term at school, college or university. September is often seen as a start of a new year and is a great time to begin or renew routines and commit to long term goals.

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Start a new diary

Many diaries and calendars follow an academic year plan, so there’s a whole book of blank pages to fill with goals, commitments and “me” time.  Revisit your affirmations and write down your short and long term work goals – and plan actual dates in your diary to commit to these goals.  Writing down your plans will enable your mindset to be fully focused and gives you a greater chance of success.

Using diary and time management apps can help to reorganise and ensure your time is structured, giving your work and personal priorities the focus they deserve. By physically writing or inputting your commitments, you can measure your successes both qualitatively and quantitatively.

Sign up for a new course, exercise class, or hobby

As you revisit your affirmations, remember that many courses continuing education start in September.  Consider if your goals could be achieved by signing up for a course – this could be practical, academic, or to support a hobby.  Many universities run online courses which can fit into your professional and personal life.

September also sees the start of new exercise classes, so visit the websites of local sports centres, gyms and sports clubs.  If you are considering broadening your horizons in hobbies such as genealogy, photography, or supporting local heritage, many clubs have had time off for the summer and advertise new talks and welcome new members, so check your local websites, Facebook pages and press for details.

Revisit your Self Talk

If you are starting a new job, course, or project, then preparation will enable you to be at your best to succeed.  Planning at the beginning of each day (or at the end of the previous day) puts you in a better position and frame of mind to face your task list and help feel in control. Prepare your self talk triggers for any obstacles which may threaten to undermine your achievements, and make sure that you fit these triggers into your daily routine so they constantly encourage you to positively change your behaviour.

Return to your usual sleep routine

Over the summer, our body clocks adapt to the lighter evenings as we eat later and go to bed later. Holidays may result in sleeping in longer or becoming used to working a different routine to fit in childcare.  When September arrives, and it’s back to school, college and work, the sudden change in routine can be a shock to the system. Preparing a new sleep routine is vital to help strengthen dendrites. Maintaining a set routine for sleep is proven to help us to have more energy, better concentration and more effective cognitive skills. So consider going to bed earlier, switching off the technological devices and setting the alarm for the usual “work” time.

Success in personal goals is achieved by good preparation, commitment, and forming daily habits which enable to change your attitude and behaviour positively.

As Gretchen Rubin says: “Habits are the invisible architecture of our lives…we repeat about 40 percent of our behaviour almost daily, so our habits shape our existence and our future. If we change our habits, we change our lives.” From Better Than Before: Mastering the Habits of Our Everyday Lives