Advance Performance | It’s Time To Acknowledge And Appreciate Our 9 Different Intelligences
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It’s Time To Acknowledge And Appreciate Our 9 Different Intelligences

It’s Time To Acknowledge And Appreciate Our 9 Different Intelligences

Did you know that there are at least 9 ways to measure people’s intelligence?

As a society, we often measure our intelligence by the way we were tested at school which means we are missing out on a richness of talent in other areas. You may have left school thinking that you weren’t intelligent – oh how wrong you are. School only measures a tiny fraction and so we can leave school thinking we are stupid or out of step. 

Last week’s excellent BBC documentary Jay Blades: Learning To Read at 51 showed how much our lives can be impacted by the focus on academic intelligence and not appreciating our other talents which make us unique. Jay Blades is a renowned furniture restorer and presenter on the popular show The Repair Shop. He is creative, practical, brilliant with people,empathetic, and an excellent problem solver. He is also dyslexic, and is now facing his lifelong fear to learn to read. Jay’s story shows the importance of recognising, appreciating, and pursuing our different intelligences in life.

So, what are YOUR different intelligences? This video will give you an idea of what else you can measure yourself and other people on. Feel good about being you and not anyone else.