Advance Performance | Daily Tips to Boost Your Motivation and Self Esteem
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Daily Tips to Boost Your Motivation and Self Esteem

Daily Tips to Boost Your Motivation and Self Esteem

We can all have difficult days when we need a motivational boost. Here are 10 top tips to empower you to achieve your goals, overcome obstacles, and be your best self each day.

1   Rise and Shine and Choose Your Attitude! Get up as soon as you wake up rather than hitting the snooze button.  If you start the day with the negative attitude of not wanting to face the day, this attitude will stay with you.  So get up, throw the curtains wide, and face the day with the question ‘What can I achieve today?’

2   Read Your Daily Inspirational Quote. Do you receive our Advance daily quotes?  If not, sign up to them!  Let our daily quote inspire and motivate you for the day.

3   Take a Walk, Cycle or Run!  We know exercise is good for us and we know it helps to make us feel healthier and boosts our mood.  Make sure that you add some exercise in your daily routine.  A brisk walk, cycling or a jog with friends are a great (and cheap!) way to exercise if you don’t like the gym.

4   Visualise Your Affirmations!  Keep your affirmations in a prominent place and take a few quiet moments to remind yourself of your goals and evaluate your progress towards them.  This will keep up your momentum during difficult periods.

5    Boost your positive self talk.  By being aware of our mental chatter or constant thoughts, we can take control of how we think. We need to consciously change the language of our thoughts from the negative “I can’t” to the positive “I can”. Focus on your goal and think positively on achieving your aim and how you will behave.

6   Revise your Life List. Look through your goals set in relation to your priorities in your Life List. As we are now enjoying the beautiful Spring weather (some days!), this is an excellent time to consider how we want to spend our leisure time with family and friends, and scheduling specific periods to pursue our individual goals especially if it is set outdoors.

7   Create your routine to work towards your goal – on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. Practising the positive behaviours of the routine to achieve the small goals strengthens our dendrites and we establish a positive habit. Schedule your “goal” time so that you can have a visual plan to focus on and stick to it!

8    Keep a Success Journal. Record your daily successes in a book journal or on an online journal so that By recording your achievements you can end each day with positive thoughts and satisfaction from your day’s actions. You will also have proof of your achievements to look back on when you need to boost your motivation and self esteem.

9    Keep a positive and calm sleep routine. Research shows it is vital that we have a settled sleep at night to maintain our mental and physical health. The book Why We Sleep is an excellent read to explain the benefits of sleep, and tips to create and maintain a successful sleep routine.

10   And don’t forget to treat yourself for overcoming obstacles and achieving your goals – both the small goals and the mountainous goals! Give yourself a pat on the back, and enjoy a treat that YOU deserve!