Advance Performance | Mandy Calvert
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Mandy Calvert


Fun Fact

I was once on the same training camp as five-time Olympic Gold winner Steve Redgrave!

Mandy is an experienced and successful senior leader who has a track record of delivering sustained business benefit. She enjoys a challenge whether that is transforming poorly performing organisations or completing an endurance run crossing through three countries.

After graduating from Cambridge with a degree in Engineering, Mandy spent over 25 years working in the Life-Science sector. She has worked in all areas of the pharmaceutical business from supply-chain and manufacturing, IT, new-product development, facilities management, risk and compliance, where she had the opportunity to shape and lead technological, process and organizational change.

Mandy believes that successful change only happens when we understand why it is needed. She works with organisations of all sizes to identify the crux of the issue they are dealing with, using Lean Improvement principles and a coaching style. She believes it is people that ultimately deliver the value that businesses seek.

Her passion lies in helping people to find their inner strengths and confidence to grow, it is then that great things happen. Leaders can create a climate for success and everyone takes responsibility for delivery. She compares it to rowing; each crew member knows their own role and are in the best shape they can be, the boat is fast, but magic only happens when everybody rows as one.

Mandy found a love of rowing whilst at University and was proud to represent Cambridge Women’s Lightweights and beat Oxford in the Boat Race! She still rows sporadically but thankfully no dieting is involved these days.

Living on the edge of the Peak District, she loves running in the hills. A most unlikely fell-runner, Mandy has completed the Bob Graham Round and several 100 mile mountain races in the Alps and Pyrenees. Endurance running has parallels with a career; plenty of ups and downs but you come out smiling in the end!