Advance Performance | How important are values in business?
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How important are values in business?

How important are values in business?

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Heather Wright and John Bullock introduce you to the importance of values in business in their new podcast.

People often are aware they should be seen to have values in their business, however, Heather explains that being seen to have values is such a different statement from we need to have values.

Here are some of John and Heather’s observations discussed in the podcast:

Values drive our behaviours and affect our decision making.  How can we measure decision making if we don’t have values?  Companies can go awry if they don’t have a set of values as their moral compass.

It is very important to know what are the values of a business, the people and their personal values and crucially, if the values are being lived.  It is important not just to have values presented beautifully on a plaque in reception, but to live and breathe these values throughout the company.

We need to remind ourselves of our own values.  It is easy to placate and go for the short term solution to please a client.  Lying is a good example: “Oh I’ll have it to you by tomorrow”, then let people down and damage your personal reputation in the long term.

There is a need for constant conversation about personal values in business sharing how to communicate values consistently.

You can be challenged on your personal values in business and need to stand up for your values – you should be honest with yourself if you are asked to go against your personal values and work to find an alternative solution.

The podcast concludes with the first step of ensuring you can live by your personal values in business: Know your values and join a company where your values match theirs.

We hope you enjoy this podcast.  If you would like to learn more about how to utilise values in business why not tune in to our upcoming webcast “How Values Underpin Success in Business” on 13th July at noon.

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