September is a great time to set your new goals!
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September is a great time to set your new goals!

September is a great time to set your new goals!

As the school holidays are ending and our summer draws to a close, September is a great time to set yourself new goals and revise your Life List.

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As the new academic year starts in September, we have all been conditioned to view the month as a time of new beginnings.The shops are full of stationery, new uniforms, gadgets for university, new shoes and boots, academic diaries – even 16 month calendars to take in the whole of the next year. Psychologically, we think of September as a New Year from an early age, and look back on memories as being in Year 3, Year 5 or Year 7 rather than in 1985, 1991 or 1976.

The end of the school holiday season is an excellent time to set a new morning routine that fits in commutes, as well as being prepared for challenges ahead in the day at work, college or school. If you don’t have children, you will still notice the change in traffic levels and return of colleagues from holidays.

September is traditionally a time of motivation in working in a physical and psychological sense as it is Harvest time – a time for the end of the summer and preparing for autumn and winter. Take that inherent conditioning and work it positively to your advantage. Revise your Life List and goals from the beginning of the year and plan how to prioritise on the most important goals.

September to December fits a four month period to set goals before revising them at the start of the New Year. There are many 16 month diaries and calendars which start in September which can give you a new start with a physical clean page to set your new goals, and look forward as a New Year.

College courses traditionally start in September so you can take full advantage of any opportunities which fit a goal you are working towards. Joining a college course in a personal, work based, or academic interest, also introduces you to new like-minded people who are working towards the same goal so you have a support network and shared enthusiasm.

New exercises classes, sports sessions and gym membership deals often start in September. This is an ideal time to build a new exercise routine by joining a class or becoming a member at the start of a new term.

New theatre schedules, film schedules, television series, exhibitions and books are released in September which all create excellent triggers to start new positive routines. You can highlight inspiring programmes to follow, create a reading list – in your new diary – or make regular arrangements to see new plays or films. Take the new schedules as a time to build new routines to enhance your experiences and broaden your culture.

September is several months ahead of the financial year end so it is an excellent time to start new work projects with space to revise any issues. If you start now you will be ahead of other people who plan to start a project in January.

People are often more available to participate in new projects, networks or attend meetings at this time due to fewer work/social engagements around Christmas and after the main holiday season. Take the opportunity to build positive networks in September so that you can ensure other colleagues or clients have the dates booked in their diary.

September is the start of the autumn, a new term, a new academic year, and can be a new start for you so take advantage to set your SMART goals, build a positive routine, and fill in your diary with quality engagements!