Advance Performance | Welcome to Advance’s New Coaching in Business Podcast!
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Welcome to Advance’s New Coaching in Business Podcast!

Welcome to Advance’s New Coaching in Business Podcast!

Is Coaching a trend? What makes a successful and effective coaching session? In their latest podcast Heather Wright and John Bullock discuss a topic which has become a buzz word in business in recent years.

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Coaching in Business explores whether ‘Coaching’ is simply a trend topic that will fade out of businesses or a valuable tool in people development. John provides some definition to what a Coach and Coaching in Business actually is and what it entails.

“Coaching is about facilitating somebody else’s thinking” with positive intentions. The aim is to help the person to move forward to get past a block or achieve a goal.  People are familiar with the sports coach shouting at the sidelines, but Heather and John agree the essence of a coach in business is to ask great questions to empower the coachee to think differently.

In facilitating somebody else’s thinking, Coaching is defined in two ways:

Directive Coaching:  This is providing information for the person allowing them to choose what to do with the information.

Non-Directive Coaching: The coach asks effective questions so that the coachee can work out solutions for themselves and change their way of thinking.

This podcast introduces the essential technique of asking effective questions in coaching to empower the coachee so that he/she can think differently and leave a session with new positive actions to apply to their situation.

John explains the need to develop effective positive coaching techniques which can be utilised in various sessions from an hour’s one to one to a short two minute discussion in a corridor.  John and Heather agree that the coach can assess whether a session is successful when the coachee says “Good question” and is enabled to think differently for themselves.

To learn more about this topic, we have a new follow-up webcast How To Use Coaching Effectively as a Manager.

We hope you enjoy the podcast and webcast and look forward to receiving your feedback on this effective development technique of Coaching in Business.